Source code for automate.extensions.webui.webui

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2015 Tuomas Airaksinen
# This file is part of automate-webui.
# automate-webui is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# automate-webui is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with automate-webui.  If not, see <>.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you like Automate, please take a look at this page:

    Web interface module for Automate
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import json
import datetime
import time
import os

import tornado.web
from tornado.websocket import WebSocketHandler, WebSocketClosedError

from traits.api import CBool, Tuple, Int, Str, CSet, List, CInt, Dict, Unicode

from automate.statusobject import StatusObject
from automate.extensions.wsgi import TornadoService
from automate import __version__

[docs]class WebService(TornadoService): """ Web User Interface Service for Automate """ #: Restrict usage to only monitoring statuses (default: ``True``). #: If WebService is not in read_only mode, it is possible to run arbitrary Python commands #: through eval/exec via web browser. This is, of course, a severe security issue. #: Secure SSL configuration HIGHLY recommended, if not operating in ``read_only`` mode. read_only = CBool(True) #: Default view that is displayed when entering the server. Can be the name of any view in default_view = Str('system') #: Below Actuator row, show active Programs that are controlling Actuator show_actuator_details = CBool(True) #: HTTP port to listen http_port = Int(8080) #: Authentication for logging into web server. (user,password) pairs in a tuple. http_auth = Tuple #: Let websocket connection die after ``websocket_timeout`` time of no ping reply from client. websocket_timeout = CInt(60 * 5) #: Tags that are shown in user defined view user_tags = CSet(trait=Str, value={'user'}) #: Django debugging mode (slower, more info shown when error occurs) debug = CBool(False) #: User-defined custom pages as a dictionary of form ``{name: template_content}`` custom_pages = Dict(key_trait=Unicode, value_trait=Unicode) #: set to True, if you want to launch multiple servers with same system. Authentication and #: other settings are then taken from master service. Only web server settings (http host/port) #: are used from slave. slave = CBool(False) #: In this dictionary you can define your custom Django settings which will override the default ones django_settings = Dict() #: From /set/object/value and /toggle/object, redirect to /set_ready/object/value after after executing action redirect_from_setters = CBool(True) #: Show hidden objects in web UI (those prefixed with _) show_hidden = CBool(False) #: Full exposed url root server_url = Unicode() _sockets = List(transient=True) def get_filehandler_class(service): class MyFileHandler(tornado.web.StaticFileHandler): def validate_absolute_path(self, *args, **kwargs): session_id = getattr(self.request.cookies.get('sessionid', None), 'value', None) from django.contrib.sessions.middleware import SessionMiddleware mw = SessionMiddleware() session_data = mw.SessionStore(session_id) if not session_data.get('logged_in', False): raise tornado.web.HTTPError(403, 'not logged in') return super(MyFileHandler, self).validate_absolute_path(*args, **kwargs) def check_etag_header(self): """ Disable etag_header checking (checks only modified time). Due to etag caching file changes were not detected at all. """ return False return MyFileHandler def get_tornado_handlers(self): if self.slave: return self.system.request_service('WebService').get_tornado_handlers() super_handlers = super(WebService, self).get_tornado_handlers() path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static') static = [('/static/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': path})] return static + super_handlers def setup(self): if not self.slave: os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'automate.extensions.webui.settings' from django.conf import settings settings.DEBUG = self.debug if not 'SECRET_KEY' in self.django_settings: self.logger.warning('Insecure settings! Please set proper SECRET_KEY in ' 'WebService.django_settings!') if not 'TIME_ZONE' in self.django_settings: os.environ.pop('TZ') # Django uses America/Chicago as default timezone. Let's clean this up. time.tzset() if self.server_url: self.django_settings['SERVER_URL'] = self.server_url if self.system.raven_dsn: settings.INSTALLED_APPS.append('raven.contrib.django.raven_compat') settings.RAVEN_CONFIG = {'dsn': self.system.raven_dsn, 'release': __version__} installed_apps = self.django_settings.pop('INSTALLED_APPS', None) if installed_apps: settings.INSTALLED_APPS.extend(list(installed_apps)) for key, value in self.django_settings.items(): setattr(settings, key, value) from automate.extensions.webui.djangoapp.views import set_globals set_globals(self, self.system) super(WebService, self).setup() if not self.slave: self.system.request_service('LogStoreService').on_trait_change(self.push_log, 'most_recent_line') self.system.on_trait_change(self.update_sockets, 'objects.status, objects.changing,, ' 'objects.program_status_items') def get_websocket(service): if service.slave: return service.system.request_service('WebService').get_websocket() class WebSocket(WebSocketHandler): def data_received(self, chunk): pass def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): self.log_requested = False self.subscribed_objects = set() self.last_message = None self.logged_in = False super(WebSocket, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) def check_origin(self, origin): return True def write_json(self, **kwargs): msg = json.dumps(kwargs) service.logger.debug('Sending to client %s', msg) self.write_message(msg) def open(self): self.session_id = session_id = getattr(self.request.cookies.get('sessionid', None), 'value', None) from django.contrib.sessions.middleware import SessionMiddleware mw = SessionMiddleware() session_data = mw.SessionStore(session_id) if session_data.get('logged_in', False) or not service.http_auth: self.logged_in = True else: service.logger.warning("Not (yet) logged in %s", session_id) service.logger.debug("WebSocket opened for session %s", session_id) service._sockets.append(self) def _authenticate(self, username, password): if (username, password) == service.http_auth: self.logged_in = True service.logger.debug('Websocket user %s logged in.', username) else: service.logger.warning('Authentication failure: user %s with passwd %s != %s ', username, password, service.http_auth) self.close() def _ping(self): pass def _set_status(self, name, status): if service.read_only: service.logger.warning("Could not perform operation: read only mode enabled") return obj = service.system.namespace.get(name, None) if obj: obj.status = status def _subscribe(self, objects): self.subscribed_objects.update(objects) def _unsubscribe(self, objects): self.subscribed_objects -= set(objects) def _clear_subscriptions(self): self.subscribed_objects.clear() def _send_command(self, command): if not service.read_only: service.system.cmd_exec(command) else: service.logger.warning("Could not perform operation: read only mode enabled") def _fetch_objects(self): data = [(, i.get_as_datadict()) for i in service.system.objects_sorted] self.write_json(action='return', rv=data) def _request_log(self): self.log_requested = True def on_message(self, json_message): """ Message format: {'action': 'action_name', other_kwargs...) """ message = json.loads(json_message) service.logger.debug('Message received from client: %s', message) action = message.pop('action', '') if self.logged_in: action_func = getattr(self, '_' + action, None) if action_func: service.logger.debug('Running websocket action %s', action) action_func(**message) else: service.logger.error('Not logged in or unknown message %s', message) elif action == 'authenticate': return self._authenticate(**message) self.last_message = def on_close(self): service.logger.debug("WebSocket closed for session %s", self.session_id) service._sockets.remove(self) return WebSocket def push_log(self, new): for s in self._sockets: if s.log_requested: try: s.write_json(action='log', data=new) except WebSocketClosedError: pass def update_sockets(self, obj, attribute, old, new): from django.template.loader import render_to_string if isinstance(obj, StatusObject): self.logger.debug('Update_sockets %s %s %s %s', obj, attribute, old, new) for s in self._sockets: if s.last_message and (s.last_message < - datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.websocket_timeout)):'Closing connection %s due to timeout', s.session_id) s.on_close() s.close(code=1000, reason='Timeout') continue if in s.subscribed_objects: if attribute == 'program_status_items' and self.show_actuator_details: new_actuator_html = render_to_string( 'rows/actuator_row.html', dict(actuator=obj, source='__SOURCE__', service=self)) s.write_json(action='update_actuator',, html=new_actuator_html) elif attribute == 'active': s.write_json(action='program_active',, elif attribute in ['status', 'changing']: s.write_json(action='object_status',, status=obj.status, display=obj.get_status_display(), changing=obj.changing) def get_wsgi_application(self): from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application return get_wsgi_application()