Source code for automate.callable

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2015 Tuomas Airaksinen
# This file is part of Automate.
# Automate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
from past.builtins import basestring
import re
from traits.api import cached_property, on_trait_change, CList, Dict, Instance, Set, Event, Property
from automate.common import CompareMixin, Lock, deep_iterate, Object, is_iterable, AbstractStatusObject, DictObject, SystemNotReady
from automate.systemobject import SystemObject

import logging

[docs]class AbstractCallable(SystemObject, CompareMixin): """ A base class for subclassing Callables that are used in Program conditions and action attributes. Callables are configured by giving them arguments and keyword arguments.They must always define :meth:`.call` method which defines their functionality. """ #: Arguments given for callable are stored here _args = CList #: Keyword arguments given for callable are stored here _kwargs = Dict #: Lock must be used when accessing :attr:`.state` _lock = Instance(Lock, transient=True) #: Property that gives set of all *triggers* of this callable and it's children callables. #: Triggers are all those StatusObjects that alter the status (return value of :meth:`.call`) of #: Callable. triggers = Property(trait=Set(trait=AbstractStatusObject), depends_on='_args, _args_items, _args.triggers, _kwargs, _kwargs_items, _kwargs.triggers') #: Property that gives set of all *targets* of this callable and it's children callables. Targets are #: all those StatusObjects of which status the callable might alter in :meth:`.call`. targets = Property(trait=Set(trait=AbstractStatusObject), depends_on='_args, _args_items, _args.targets, _kwargs, _kwargs_items, _kwargs.targets') # Status property not yet used anywhere. In the future, could be changed to Property # which uses this status. # Remark: isn't it used in web? #: Read-only status property of the callable. Usefull only when callable is used as a condition. #: This automatically depends on all the StatusObjects below the Callable tree. status = Property(depends_on='_args.status, _kwargs.status') #: State dictionary that is used by :meth:`.call` and :meth:`.cancel` if some state variables are needed to be saved #: Remember to clean data in subclasses when it is no longer needed. state = Dict(transient=True)
[docs] def get_state(self, caller): """ Get per-program state. """ if caller in self.state: return self.state[caller] else: rv = self.state[caller] = DictObject() return rv
[docs] def del_state(self, caller): """ Delete per-program state. """ if caller in self.state: del self.state[caller]
@cached_property def _get_status(self): if not self.system: # Raising exception prevents invalid value from being cached when system is in pre-mature state raise SystemNotReady('System not ready yet -- this is normal when loading dump.') return #: Event that can be used to execute code right after callable setup. See :class:`.OfType`. #: Something that needs to be done manually this way, because Traits does not allow #: defining the order of subscribed function calls. on_setup_callable = Event def setup_callables(self): super(AbstractCallable, self).setup_callables() self.setup_callable_system(self.system, init=True) @on_trait_change('_args, _args_items', post_init=True) def objects_changed(self, name, old, new): if not self.system: return for o in new.added: if isinstance(o, AbstractCallable): o.setup_callable_system(self.system) @on_trait_change('_kwargs, _kwargs_items', post_init=True) def kwargs_changed(self, name, old, new): if not self.system: return for o in list(new.added.values()): if isinstance(o, AbstractCallable): o.setup_callable_system(self.system) @cached_property def _get_triggers(self): if not self.system: # Raising exception prevents invalid value from being cached when system is in pre-mature state raise SystemNotReady('System not ready yet -- this is normal when loading dump.') return self.collect('triggers') @cached_property def _get_targets(self): if not self.system: # Raising exception prevents invalid value from being cached when system is in pre-mature state raise SystemNotReady('System not ready yet -- this is normal when loading dump.') return self.collect('targets') def __getitem__(self, item): return self._args[item] def __setitem__(self, item, value): self._args[item] = value def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._lock = Lock("Lock for callable " + self.__class__.__name__) self._kwargs = kwargs super(AbstractCallable, self).__init__() super(SystemObject, self).__init__() if not self.traits_inited(): self.logger.error('Traits not inited!!!') if args: self._args = args def __setstate__(self, state, trait_change_notify=True): self._lock = Lock("Lock for callable ") self._passed_arguments = None, state.copy() self.logger = logging.getLogger('automate.%s' % self.__class__.__name__) state.pop('name', '') super(SystemObject, self).__setstate__(state, trait_change_notify)
[docs] def call_eval(self, value, caller, return_value=True, **kwargs): """ Value might be either name registered in System namespace, or object, either StatusObject or Callable. If Callable, evaluate :meth:`.call` method. If StatusObject, return status. """ value = self.name_to_system_object(value) if return_value and isinstance(value, AbstractStatusObject): return value.status if hasattr(value, 'call'): return self.call_eval(, **kwargs), caller, return_value, **kwargs) else: return value
def _fix_list(self, lst): if isinstance(lst, dict): lst2 = list(lst.items()) elif isinstance(lst, list): lst2 = enumerate(lst) for idx, obj in lst2: if isinstance(obj, basestring): lst[idx] = self.name_to_system_object(obj) if isinstance(obj, list): self._fix_list(obj)
[docs] def setup_callable_system(self, system, init=False): """ This function basically sets up :attr:`.system`, if it is not yet set up. After that, other Callable initialization actions are performed. :param init: value ``True`` is given when running this at the initialization phase. Then system attribute is set already, but callable needs to be initialized otherwise. """ if not self.system or init: self.system = system self._fix_list(self._args) self._fix_list(self._kwargs) for i in self.children: if isinstance(i, AbstractCallable): i.setup_callable_system(system, init=init) elif isinstance(i, SystemObject): i.system = system self.on_setup_callable = 1
[docs] def call(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The basic functionality of the Callable is implemented in this function. Needs to be defined in derived subclasses. If callable is used as a Program condition, this must return the value of the condition (see for example conditions :class:`.And`, :class:`.Sum` etc.), otherwise return value is optional. """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def objects(self): """ Shortcut to :attr:`._args`. """ return self._args @property def obj(self): """ Shortcut property to the first stored object. """ try: return self._args[0] except IndexError: return None @property def value(self): """ Shortcut property to the second stored object. """ try: return self._args[1] except IndexError: return None
[docs] def name_to_system_object(self, value): """ Return object for given name registered in System namespace. """ if not self.system: raise SystemNotReady if isinstance(value, (basestring, Object)): rv = self.system.name_to_system_object(value) return rv if rv else value else: return value
[docs] def collect(self, target): """Recursively collect all potential triggers/targets in this node and its children. Define targets and triggers of this particular callable in :meth:`_give_triggers` and :meth:`_give_targets`. :param str target: valid values: ``'targets'`` and ``'triggers'`` """ statusobjects = set() callables = set() objs_from_this_obj = getattr(self, '_give_%s' % target)() if not is_iterable(objs_from_this_obj): objs_from_this_obj = [objs_from_this_obj] if is_iterable(objs_from_this_obj): for i in (self.name_to_system_object(j) for j in objs_from_this_obj): if isinstance(i, AbstractStatusObject): statusobjects.add(i) elif isinstance(i, AbstractCallable): callables.add(i) for i in (self.name_to_system_object(j) for j in deep_iterate(callables)): if isinstance(i, AbstractCallable): statusobjects.update(getattr(i, target)) return statusobjects
def collect_triggers(self): return self.collect('triggers') def collect_targets(self): return self.collect('targets') @property def children(self): """ A property giving a generator that goes through all the children of this Callable (not recursive) """ return deep_iterate(self._args + list(self._kwargs.values())) #TODO: chain?
[docs] def _give_triggers(self): """Give all triggers of this object (non-recursive)""" return self.children
[docs] def _give_targets(self): """Give all targets of this object (non-recursive)""" return self.children
[docs] def cancel(self, caller): """ Recursively cancel all threaded background processes of this Callable. This is called automatically for actions if program deactivates. """ for o in {i for i in self.children if isinstance(i, AbstractCallable)}: o.cancel(caller)
def __repr__(self): return self.give_str() def __str__(self): return self.give_str() def _give_str(self, args, kwargs): if self in self.system.namespace.reverse: return repr( kwstr = u', '.join(k + u'=' + repr(v) for k, v in list(kwargs.items())) if kwstr and args: kwstr = ', ' + kwstr return str(self.__class__.__name__) + u"(" + u", ".join([repr(i) for i in args]) + kwstr + u")"
[docs] def give_str(self): """ Give string representation of the callable. """ args = self._args[:] kwargs = self._kwargs return self._give_str(args, kwargs)
@staticmethod def strip_color_tags(_str): return re.sub('__\w*__', "", _str) def _give_str_indented(self, args, kwargs, tags): if self in self.system.namespace.reverse: rv = repr( def indent(o_str): n_strs = [] for o in o_str.split('\n'): n_strs.append(u' ' + o) return '\n'.join(n_strs) def indented_str(obj, no_repr=False, no_color=False): if hasattr(obj, 'give_str_indented') and not obj in self.system.namespace.reverse: rv = obj.give_str_indented(tags) else: rv = str(obj if no_repr else repr(obj)) if not no_color: rv = ('__ACT__' if getattr(obj, 'status', obj) else '__INACT__') + rv return indent(rv) def in_one_line(obj): rv = repr(obj) if not isinstance(obj, AbstractCallable): rv = ('__ACT__' if getattr(obj, 'status', obj) else '__INACT__') + rv return rv kwstrs = [k + u'=' + in_one_line(v) for k, v in list(kwargs.items())] argstr = u"(\n" + indent(u", \n".join([indented_str(i) for i in args] + [indented_str(i, no_repr=True, no_color=True) for i in kwstrs]) + u"\n)") if len(self.strip_color_tags(argstr)) < 35: argstr = u"(" + u", ".join([in_one_line(i) for i in args] + kwstrs) + u")" rv = str(self.__class__.__name__) + argstr if tags: rv = ('__ACT__' if self.status else '__INACT__') + rv return rv
[docs] def give_str_indented(self, tags=False): """ Give indented string representation of the callable. This is used in :ref:`automate-webui`. """ args = self._args[:] kwargs = self._kwargs rv = self._give_str_indented(args, kwargs, tags) if not tags: rv = self.strip_color_tags(rv) return rv
def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return (self._args, self._kwargs) == (other._args, other._kwargs) return False def __hash__(self): return id(self)