Source code for automate.systemobject

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2015 Tuomas Airaksinen
# This file is part of Automate.
# Automate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Automate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Automate.  If not, see <>.
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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
from traits.has_traits import HasStrictTraits, cached_property
from traits.trait_types import Instance, CUnicode, Tuple, Dict, Event, Unicode, Int, CBool
from traits.traits import Property
from automate import SystemBase, TagSet, is_valid_variable_name

[docs]class SystemObject(HasStrictTraits): """ Baseclass for Programs, Sensor, Actuators """ #: Names of attributes that accept Callables. If there are custom callables being used, they must be added here. #: The purpose of this list is that these Callables will be initialized properly. #: :class:`~automate.program.ProgrammableSystemObject` introduces 5 basic callables #: (see also :ref:`automate-programs`). callables = []
[docs] def get_default_callables(self): """ Get a dictionary of default callables, in form {name:callable}. Re-defined in subclasses.""" return {}
#: Reference to System object system = Instance(SystemBase, transient=True) #: Description of the object (shown in WEB interface) description = CUnicode #: Python Logger instance for this object. System creates each object its own logger instance. logger = Instance(logging.Logger, transient=True) #: Tags are used for (for example) grouping objects. See :ref:`groups`. tags = TagSet(trait=CUnicode) #: Name property is determined by System namespace. Can be read/written. name = Property(trait=Unicode, depends_on='name_changed_event') @cached_property def _get_name(self): try: return self.system.reverse[self] except (KeyError, AttributeError): return 'System not initialized!' def _set_name(self, new_name): if not is_valid_variable_name(new_name): raise NameError('Illegal name %s' % new_name) try: if self in list(self.system.namespace.values()): del self.system.namespace[] except NameError: pass self.system.namespace[new_name] = self self.logger = self.system.logger.getChild('%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, new_name)) #: If set to *True*, current SystemObject is hidden in the UML diagram of WEB interface. hide_in_uml = CBool(False) _order = Int _count = 0 #: Attributes that can be edited by user in WEB interface view = ['hide_in_uml'] #: The data type name (as string) of the object. This is written in the initialization, and is used by WEB #: interface Django templates. data_type = '' #: If editable=True, a quick edit widget will appear in the web interface. Define in subclasses. editable = False # Namespace triggers this event when object name name is changed name_changed_event = Event _passed_arguments = Tuple(transient=True) _postponed_callables = Dict(transient=True) @property def class_name(self): # For Django templates return self.__class__.__name__ @property def object_type(self): """ A read-only property that gives the object type as string; sensor, actuator, program, other. Used by WEB interface templates. """ from .statusobject import AbstractSensor, AbstractActuator from .program import Program if isinstance(self, AbstractSensor): return 'sensor' elif isinstance(self, AbstractActuator): return 'actuator' elif isinstance(self, Program): return 'program' else: return 'other' def __init__(self, name='', **traits): # Postpone traits initialization to be launched by System self.logger = logging.getLogger('automate.%s' % self.__class__.__name__) self._order = SystemObject._count SystemObject._count += 1 self._passed_arguments = name, traits if 'system' in traits: self.setup_system(traits.pop('system')) self.setup_callables() def __lt__(self, other): return < def __setstate__(self, state, trait_change_notify=True): self.logger = logging.getLogger('automate.%s' % self.__class__.__name__) self._order = state.pop('_order') self._passed_arguments = None, state
[docs] def get_status_display(self, **kwargs): """ Redefine this in subclasses if status can be represented in human-readable way (units etc.) """ if 'value' in kwargs: return str(kwargs['value']) return self.class_name
[docs] def get_as_datadict(self): """ Get information about this object as a dictionary. Used by WebSocket interface to pass some relevant information to client applications. """ return dict(type=self.__class__.__name__, tags=list(self.tags))
[docs] def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize necessary services etc. here. Define this in subclasses. """ pass
[docs] def setup_system(self, system, name_from_system='', **kwargs): """ Set system attribute and do some initialization. Used by System. """ if not self.system: self.system = system name, traits = self._passed_arguments new_name = self.system.get_unique_name(self, name, name_from_system) if not self in self.system.reverse: = new_name if name is None and 'name' in traits: # Only __setstate__ sets name to None. Default is ''. del traits['name'] for cname in self.callables: if cname in traits: c = self._postponed_callables[cname] = traits.pop(cname) c.setup_callable_system(self.system) getattr(self, cname).setup_callable_system(self.system) if not self.traits_inited(): super(SystemObject, self).__init__(**traits) self.name_changed_event = True self.setup()
[docs] def setup_callables(self): """ Setup Callable attributes that belong to this object. """ defaults = self.get_default_callables() for key, value in list(defaults.items()): self._postponed_callables.setdefault(key, value) for key in self.callables: value = self._postponed_callables.pop(key) value.setup_callable_system(self.system, init=True) setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Write here whatever cleanup actions are needed when object is no longer used. """
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return u"'%s'" %